The Weight of Sunshine (El Peso del brillo del Sol)

The weight of sunshine is a collection of sculptures celebrating the energy from the sun.

The sun is the giver of all life.

The iron in the stainless steel mobile hanging from the ceiling is from the center of exploding supernovae stars and carries oxygen in our blood.

One image that gets the sun’s power across is this relative scale image below. Seeing the sheer size of the sun next to the other planets explains the massive gravitational forces exerted by the sun on our solar system.

The feather from a chicken, branches, living air plants, and even the plastics are all children of photons from the sun.

The roots spread into the soil and give sustenance to plants while cleansing water as they sip from rivers.

The formal relationship between branching in brain cells and roots is not an accident. Tree structures are the primary intelligent forms of our universe.

The sun combining with earth gasses, constructs trees guided by that sunlight. Trees and roots purify the air and pull carbon from the atmosphere.

The flickering lights illuminating an XRay of a human brain obtain their energy from the sun.

But, does sunshine have weight?

Perhaps the most significant weight is its life-giving ability, allowing us to see the splendor of all art and complex living systems.

A repurposed glass jar, branch, cut hanger, resistor, and LED create a nice desk lamp below.


VISIBLE RECORDS GALLERY        Charlottesville, Virginia, Aug 1-Sept 13
The Tihua Tocha Exhibition
invites The Weight of Sunshine mobiles and stabile sculptures along with the Worm Bassinet with Amy Youngs invited and curated by Federico Cuatlacuatl.