Books, Articles, ad Reviews

The Phantasma Pop Coloring Book, 70 pgs. Feb 15, 2020, by Ken Rinaldo Automatist DrawingsInteractive Electronics for Artists and Inventors 350, pgs. By Ken Rinaldo  2008-2023 – Ongoing Updates
The Politics of The ImpureV2 Publishing, NAI Publishers, Farm Fountain, Ken Rinaldo, and Amy Youngs, 2011
Les Robots Revent-Ils Du Printemps? DO ROBOTS DREAM OF SPRING? – The Art of Ken Rinaldo at the Maison d’AilleursRetrospective with forward by Bruce Sterling and Patrick Gyger. Yverdon-Les-Bains: September 19, 2010, to March 20, 2011
INSIDE Arte E Ciência 2009, Lisbon, Portugal, edited by Leonel Moura, 2009, Paparazzi Bots, by Ken Rinaldo. Pg 202-207
Machinic Drift by Ken Rinaldo, 2008 as part of an exhibition at Purdue University Galleries.
Robots and Art – Exploring an Unlikely Symbiosis, Chapter in Book, Edited by Stelarc, Damith Herath, Christian Kroos. (Spring 2016)


Ken Rinaldo Synthetic Evolution, Catalog for Artificial Life Artworks derived from Hand drawings, 2022, Antonio Prates Gallery, Lisbon Portugal, 2022

Contemporary Practices in Bio-art, When a Tree Becomes an Artwork By Lilia Chak, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023. pp  64, 68, 136, 525

The SAGE Handbook of Human–Machine Communication, June 2023, Editors, Andrea L Guzman, Rhonda McEwen and Steve Jones, 2023. 

Ecospace Earthkeepers Handbook edited by Kim Abels, Whitefeather Hunter and Patricia Watts Sign of Life, Signs of Death, 2023, pgs 85 & 86, Ecoartspace Publications

Changwon Sculpture Biennale 2022, Channel; Wave-Particle Duality, Korea, The Farm Fountain, 4 pgs, 2022,

Art in the Age of Machine Learning By Sofian Audry. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2021; pp 13, 47, 64, 156

ALTER (ACCION) 2.0 Catalog for exhibition at Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo edited by Marta De Menezes, 2022

Posthumanism in Art and Science
A Reader Edited by Giovanni Aloi and, Susan McHugh, Columbia University Press, 2021

Antennae 10: A Decade of Art and the Non-Human 07-17, Edited by Giovanni Aloi; Hardcover – November 1, 2017

Behavioral Objects
I, A Case Study: by Céleste Boursier-Mougenot Samuel Bianchini, Emanuele Quinz (Eds.) 2018

Voice tracks; Attuning to the voice in Media and the Arts
by Norie Neumark, 2017 MIT press, pgs 104-106, 105f, 179,n13

Emergence in Interactive Art, by Jennifer Seevinck, 2017 Springer Series on Cultural Computing, pgs 54-55

Confronting the Machine: An Enquiry into the Subversive Drives of Computer-Generated Art. by Boris Magrini. The Flock. (forthcoming 2017)

Beginning Sculpture, 2nd Editionby Authur Williams, Davis Publications Autopoiesis, Technology Recapitulates Phylogeny, The Paparazzi Bots 2016

SYSTEMS edited by Edward A Shanken, Documents of Contemporary Art, 2014, pgs 17, 176-77

Beyond Humanism: From Animality to Transhumanism edited by Charlie Blake, Claire Molloy and Steven Shakespeare, visual of Augmented Fish Reality, 2012, Pgs 66

Art and Science: How Scientific Research and Technological Innovation are becoming key to 21st Century Aesthetics, Thames, and Hudson, by Steven Wilson, 162, 111, 129 2010

VIDA, Arte Y Vida Artificial   1999-2012, Telefonica, curated by Karin Ohlenschlager

Insect Media: An Archaeology of Animals and Technology By Jussi Parikka pgs 134, 176 Autotelematic Spider Bots, Interview We Make Money Not Art.

Art in the age of technoscience: genetic engineering, robotics, and artificial life in contemporary art Ingeborg Reichle Springer, 2009, pg 160

Art and Electronic Media, edited by Edward A. Shanken, Phaidon Press, 2009 pgs 247, 286, 41, 160, 192, 249-250

Art into Action, Text by Noa Jones. 
Curated by Randy Rosenberg, 2007
ISBN-13: 978-1-932771-77-0

Aesthetics and the Embodied Mind: Beyond Art Theory and the Cartesian Mindedited by Alfonsina Scarinzi, pgs 308

Art et biotechnologies, (MIT Press) edited by Ernestine Daubner and Louise Poissant with DVD in the process. Contributed one-chapter 24 pages.

MetaCreation: Art and Artificial Life by Mitchell Whitelaw, MIT Press, 2003.

Digital Art by Christiane Paul, curator New Media Arts Whitney Museum by Thames and Hudson Spring 2003.

Vermibook: Worms in our Furniture, 2013 by Kay Bea Jones, Anne Corley Silverman, and Amy Youngs, pgs 10 Solar Farm Fountain

Handbook of research on computational arts and creative informatics editor: James Braman, chapter title: the computer medium in digital arts creative process  pg 4 Towson University, Towson Publisher: IGI GLOBAL

Interactive Experience in the Digital Age: Evaluating New Art Practice By Linda Candy, Sam Ferguson 81-82, Autopoiesis, The Flock.

Entangled: Technology and the Transformation of Performance By Chris Salter, MIT Press, 297, 298 Autopoiesis.

Information Arts: Intersections of Art, Science, and Technology By Stephen Wilson. pgs, 113-114, 341-342, 344, 427. Autotelematic Spiders, Autopoiesis.

The Art of Art History: A Critical Anthology: A Critical Anthology, edited by Donald Preziosi484-485, 586, 588,

A Companion to Contemporary Art Since 1945, pg 575 (Autopoiesis) by Maria Fernandezedited by Amelia Jones

Art & Animals 
by Giovanni Aloi, LB Taurus and Co. 2012, Pg 108-109

Book for the Electronic Arts By Arjen Mulder, Maaike Post, pg 146, Flock and Delicate Balance

Bioartists, University-Press Org, 2013

American Installations Artists, Life Journey, 2013 ISBN 1230795286

Creative Evolutionary Systems, by Peter Bentley, ‎David Corne pg 235 (Flock)

Time and the Digital: Connecting Technology, Aesthetics, and a Process By Timothy Scott Barker pg 55 Autopoiesis.

Mechanical Mind in History, by Phil Husbands, Owen Holland, Michael Wheeler, pg 278

Digital Performance: A History of New Media in Theater, Dance, Performance Art, and Installation by Steve Dixon MIT Press, 2007 – Performing Arts809 pages pg 296

Peer-Reviewed Journals

ANTENNAE THE JOURNAL OF NATURE IN VISUAL CULTURE                                                   London, UK, Nov 2023 ~
Interview with Dorion Sagan for Earth Mattering Issue #61

ANTENNAE THE JOURNAL OF NATURE IN VISUAL CULTURE                                                   London, UK, Nov 2022 ~
Co-editor with Editor in chief Giovanni Aloi; an issue focused on Microbial Ecologies and art. #59 

THE NEW SCIENTIST,Contaminated Banknote Images reveal how money gets caked in bacteria, by Bethan Ackerley, January 15, 2020

Leonardo Digital Salon Catalog, Leonardo  31:5 (1998) MIT Press Cambridge. Ken Rinaldo editor and contributor for a special project on Artificial Life Art. Contributed articles Technology Recapitulates Phylogeny: Artificial Life Art and an article on The Flock.

Technoetic Arts, Augmented Fish Reality on Cover, 2016

Leonardo, v.30 no.1. MIT Press Cambridge. Digital Gallery, Integrated Hemispheres: Woman Art and Technology Show Statement by Ken Rinaldo, pg. 3-10, Jan. 1997.


EXHIBITING DIGITAL ANIMALITIES, Edited by Matthew Brower, Public Books, pgs 70-99 2021

RE-BASE: When Experiments Become Attitude, Continuous War Train, at Taiwan Contemporary Culture Laboratory, 2018

Ken Rinaldo: Virtual to Real Blooming  Dreams of Spring by Ken Rinaldo in English and Portuguese from Exhibition at Antonio Prates Gallery

Emocao Art.ficial 6.0 biennial international de Arte e Tecnologia, catalog 2013 pgs. 18, 19, 77. Coverage of Face Music robotic work

BIO ART A NEW KIND OF ART, Antonio Prates Gallery, Group Exhibition curated by Leonel Moura

ARTESCAPES 2007 Catalog for EVO IN ART by Anna Esparcia and Paulo Urbano. Pgs. 76-79

Dynamic Equilibrium, by Rachel Seligman Union College, Mandeville Gallery, 2009

International Compendium – Prix Ars Electronica 2004. CyberArts 2004, Catalog, Pg 122-125

Lille 2004, Robots Catalog, Pg 39-43, 2004.

Contemporary Art And The Mathematical InstinctTweed Museum Of Art, University of Minnesota, 2004 – 88 pages

Bug-Eyed, Art, Culture, Insects by Patricia Watts Exhibition Catalog, 2004, Turtle Bay Exploration Park, Pg 10

BEAP, The Biennale of Electronic Arts Catalog, pg. 37-40, 2002

CyberArts 2001, Exhibition Catalog, International Compendium Prix Ars Electronica, pg. 108-09, 2001.

ARCO Arts Festival Catalog Madrid, Feb. 2001.

IEEE International Conference abstract in proceedings on Plenary Session on a presentation on robotic art by Ken Rinaldo, 1999.

Images Du Futur, 96 Exhibition Catalog, pg. 20, 1996.

Images Du Futur, 92 Exhibition Catalog, pg. 28, 1993.


CORFU PRESS, Opening the “Mutating Future” Ken Rinaldo and Adam Zeretsky, 5, 27, 2024
The Mutating Future with Works by Ken Rinaldo and Adam Zeretsky,  5, 31, 2024
Exhibition “The Mutating Future”, from 5, 18, 2024
May 28, 2024
CORFU TV NEWS , The Mutagenic Futures Exhibition, May 28, 2024
, Sept 2023, Korea, Special Feature, Autopoiesis, pg 56.

THE VERGE, “Today I learned about the attempts to make goldfish mech suits; They keep putting fish tanks on wheels”

CHICAGO READER, Our earth bodies, ourselves “Earthly Observatory” examines the ways in which humans see the rest of the world, by Mána H. Taylor September 17, 2021

THE DAILY PROGRESS, PHOTOS: “Tiahue Tocha” exhibition at Visible Records, photo essay by Andrew Shurtleff

NEURAL, NEW MEDIA ART, ROBOT, Metamorphose, sinister machinic forces, August 2021

KUNC ON THE MEDIA, In the Shadow of COVID-19, Approaches Art on the Microbial Level, by Stacy Nick, June 11, 2020

CLOT MAGAZINE, ART LABORATORY BERLIN, looking at the past, present, and future of interdisciplinary art, Interview by Lyndsey Walsh, Dec 21, 2020

IL PICCOLO, Investigations between art and technology in Muggia, a future already imagined by Leonardo by Marianna, Accerboni, 21 AUGUST 2020

ART IN BERLIN, Finis Pecunia! Viva Mycelia! by Von Urzula Usakowska-Wolf, 24.02.2020 Review of Borderless Bacteria / Colonialist Cash at the Art Berlin Laboratory

LA REPUBLICA, Estudio demuestra que cada billete tiene más de 3000 bacterias de la boca y los genitales, 2.29.2020 Review of Borderless Bacteria / Colonialist Cash at the Art Berlin Laboratory

MEDIOTIEMPO, Billetes suman hasta 3 mil bacterias, la mayoría de la boca y vagina, 01.02.2020

TELEDIARIO, Tus billetes pueden contener miles de bacterias, la mayoría de la boca y genitales, 11.2.20220


PERFIL, Efectos colaterales: virus, bacterias y billetes, 2.27.2020 BY Carlos A. Scolari

THE VINDICATOR, Four Exhibits open at the McDonough, Jan, 23rd, 2020

EL PAIS, Micobiology, Banknotes concentrate up to 3000 types of Microbes, An artist exposes bacteria cultures on paper money to raise awareness about biological processes and denounce world conflicts, by AGATHE CORTES, Jan 24, 2020

LA RAZON, Banknote bacteria come from the mouth and genitals, study reveals, By Karen Rodriguez January 25, 2020

IMPALA NEWS, PORTUGAL, Notas concentram até 3 mil tipos de micróbios e muitos vêm da… vagina, Jan, 27, 2020

EL ESPECTADOR, Los billetes pueden contener hasta 3000 tipos de microbios, Jan, 27, 2020

THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH, Visual arts review | Ohio State University faculty members display diversity of ideas in cutting-edge forms, By Nancy Gilson, Oct 26, 2019

We Make Money Not Art, Regine Debatty review of Continuous War Train at the coverage of the New Arts Festival in Lisbon Portugal at the Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência 2018

SEGNONLINE, ATTUALITA, INTERNAZIONALI D’ARTE CONTEMPORANEA, Robotics Festival di Arte e Robotica – Primar edizione “Digital Nature” Continuous War Train. 2018

Columbus Alive,
Exhibition curated by Columbus artist Amandda Tirey blends art and science Interview and review of Hypothesis Exhibition, by Jim Fisher, 2018

Taiwan News Taiwan Contemporary Culture Experimental Field Launches 6 Years of Planning, Architecture, Science and Technology to Create Space Together by Liu Yijun, 2018

Art Tribune, I primi quarant’anni del Gruppo78. L’intervista By Daniele Capra, 2018.

The Lantern, Gallery Spotlight: ‘OverClocked’ at Hopkins Hall gallery By Jillian Fountain, 2108

The Lantern, Animation Career Review ranks Ohio State No. 2 public university for animation, By Emily Dean, 2017

Bacterial Art Starts a Debate on Money and International Borders;, by Clara Rodriguez Fernandez, 2017

Umbigo Magazine,
review of The New Art Fest, curated by Antonio Pinto, November 10, 2016

The Lantern, Faculty Members Bring their Art to the Spotlight by Kathleen Senge, Oct 10, 2016

Shifter Magazine, review of The New Art Fest Portugal Review, by Redaccao, October 13, 2016

SciArt in America Magazine
, review of Gut Instinct by Annie Jacobson, April 2016

NY Arts Magazine. Biopresence Exhibition reviewed by Annie Jacobson May 2016

3DRs.ORG 3D printer helps create aBioBot, an open-source pipetting robot designed to speed up science, May 1, 2016, by Kira

LABRIGGER.COM, Open Source Pipetting Robot – Abiobot, by l April 26, 2016

OPENELECTRONICS, aBioBot – A robotic lab assistant that can see what it’s doing, by Luca Ruggeri, April 2016

New Art Exhibit asks, “Are We Global Yet?” 2016

Ottawa Business Journal, Maker Faire Organizers thrilled about the move to Aberdeen Pavilion, by David Sali November 6, 2015

CBC NEWSRobots Descent on Landsdow Park for Maker Faire Ottawa Nov 2015

Make Magazine, Paparazzi Bot to Follow You Like a Celeb at Maker Faire Ottawa by Goli Mohammadi, October 30th, 2015

614 Magazine, The Future of Reality is Coming by Chris Gaitten, October 27, 2015

Wired Magazine, Ken Rinaldo: Drone Eat Drone, American Scream BY BRUCE STERLING   02.06.14

614 Magazine; by Chris Gaitten

Wired Magazine Tech Art, Beyond the Beyond, by Bruce Sterling, March 13, 2014, Fusiform Polyphony review.

Exploran límites del “arte robótico” Creadores, ingenieros, científicos, arqueólogos y académicos reflexionarán en este encuentro sobre los vínculos entre la creatividad y la vida virtual 6/11/2014 by Sonia Ávila

Archiving new media art: Nola Farman’s Lift Project, November 16 2014, by Ted Snell 2/4 by Michelle Gibson

El Centro Multimedia del Cenart presenta el Encuentro Internacional de Robótica Artística. El Error Maquínico, 29 de Nov 2014

El Error Maquínico. Encuentro Internacional de Robótica Artística | (R)registromx 2-6, 2014

Ciencia, Educación y Tecnología, Encuentro de arte y robótica en el CENART Por Prensa ICL / Fuente: Conaculta 25/11/14

El Centro Nacional de las Artes albergará por cuatro días El Error Maquínico, para analizar la relación entre los humanos y las máquinas.

Hoy inicia Encuentro Internacional de Robótica Artística Por Ramiro Rivera – noviembre 26 de 2014 – 4:27

Interactive robots reach the Cenart 2/2/2014

Presentarán robots interactivos en el Cenart – Grupo Milenio 11/26/14 muestra_internacional_de_robotica_0_415758693.html

Robots interactivos llegan al Centro Nacional de las Artes – ELIMPARCIAL.COM 11/30/14

Arte Edicoes de Arte Contemporanea Inverno 2013-14, pgs 2, 36.

Enventara El Futuro: Arte Electicicidad Nuevos
Medios by Edward A Shanken, Autopoiesis page 86.

Maximum Yield Indoor Gardening, 2014 pgs 34 Coverage of Cascading Gardens work

Zibeline No 71 du 12/02/2014 pg 62 coverage of the Drone Eats Drone: Ameican Scream work in AntiAtlas of Borders Exhibition

Neoplastic Design pgs 16 mentions of Augmented Fish Reality work by ani Arzumanyan


Japó, abans i després, Disseny de catàleg sobre Japó by Marc Palacious, 2011, pg 44 Autopoiesis tech Art: Ken Rinaldo “Fusiform Polyphony”

VIEOOZ.US, Tech Art Ken Rinaldo & Tom Hawkins, March 13, 2014, Fusiform Polyphony review.

SOFTWARE, Music, and Artificial Intelligence, March 13, 2014, Fusiform Polyphony review.

Worms and robots evoke imagination. Professor whose ideas inspired Microsoft, ready to help the Ural pipe makers by News
Service, URA Russia 2013

Umbigo Magazine, BLOCO Contemporary Art, The Spring Dreams of Ken Rinaldo by Navel, 2013.

TreeHugger, Vertical Vermiponis: Research project combines Worms with Hydroponics by Kimberly Mock 2013

Bypassing Cartography interview with Isabelle Arvers discussing   Paparazzi robots in for Arts, Technology and Social Change 2013
Digital Art and Innovation Deuxième épisode de l’antiAtlas des frontières à Marseille

Garden Culture Magazine, Vermiponic Gardens. Vertical Innovations by Amber pgs 1-7 2013 Ken Rinaldo’s Cascading Garen Uses Vermiponics for Growing Veggies Vertically, by Jon Dioffa, 2013 Rinaldo’s Cascading Gardens Uses Vermiponics for Growing Veggies Vertically.

Der Freitag, Das Berliner, Transmediale-Festival schaut nach vorn: Ausstellung und assoziierte Musikveranstaltungen versammeln Positionen unter dem Motto   “Futurity Now!” Transmediale, 02, 5, 2010 by Philipp Brugner

Zeit Online, Medienkunst auf der Transmediale: 2,11, 10 7:30, Böse Insektenaugena, Paparazzi-Roboter und wolkenförmige W-Lan-Netze: Eine Ausstellung im Rahmen der Berliner, Transmediale macht digitale Phänomene sichtbar.

Digitale Transformationen Die Publikation “Digitale Transformationen” 2012 by Ulrike Reinhard pg 83

ZYGOTE QUARTERLY Fall, 2013 pgs Natural Toolbox by Randy Rosenberg, pgs 34-37 of Two Sides of One Branch Works.

Recorridos, Arte, Ciencia y Technologia, 2012 pg 102 coverage of UNTREF show in Argentina

Технологии в фокусе искусства: очарование и вызов промышленности и инновации, Иннопром-2011 pgs 21 & 66 Augmented Fish Reality

Sommerer and Mignonneau. Living systems, 2011 Actar Publishing, pg 21 Autopoiesis

Edible Geography. Gut Control by Nicola Sept 30, 2010

We Live in Public ArtFutura 2010, pg 27 by Monia Bello, Autopoiesis

Bioart Theory of Bioart By Pan Ca pg 60 Augmented Fish Reality

mus-A 12 “La comunicación y el Museo” 2010 pg 146 coverage of Paparazzi Bots at Transmediale Germany definindo 2010 by Luiza Parreires, pg 48

Deutschlandradio Kultur, Das Festival Transmediale 2010 betreibt Nur Noch Technologien Naturschutz, Von Carsten Probst, 2, 10, 2010.

BauNetz Media, Meldungen, 27.01.2010, Futurity Now, Eröffnung der Transmediale.10 in Berlin

Vancouver Sun February 5, 2010, Cultural Olympiad: CODE propels art and music on an interactive flight BY Kevin Griffith

Wired Magazine, by Bruce Sterling, Beyond the Beyond, Feb, 4th 2010

Vancouver Observer, CODE Live 1 Excites Crowds at Great Northern Way Campus as Part of The Cultural Olympiad John Tanner Feb 7th, 2010

Neues Deutschland, Transmediale, Die Transmediale.10 untersucht die Zukunftsträchtigkeit der Gegenwart, Von Tom Mustroph 2, 4, 2010.

Iskusstvo Art Magazine, Russia, Science Art, 2009, pgs 62-69

Parallax Product Catalog and Calendar, 2010, March and August

Neural Magazine, Issue 32, 2009, Italy, Machine Affection, pgs 32-36

Science as Suspense, Wonzavod Contemporary Art Center, Moscow, March 15-29, 2009 Editor Dmitry Bulatov, pgs 50-51

Popular Mechanics, Russia, March 2009, pgs 118-121

The Art of Art History, A Critical Anthology, Editor Donald Preziosi, Oxford University Press, Article Maria Fernandez Life-Like: Historicizing Process and Responsiveness in Digital Art, pgs 484-485

Popular Mechanics Russia, March 2009, pgs 118-121

Science as Suspense, Russia, Editor Dmitry Bulatov, pg 50-51

Elniuten Magazine, #10 Aug 2009, Bogotá, Columbia, interview Luis Cermeno When the Organic and Technological Converge pgs, 99-108

Robots Binmenste-buiten, edited by Bram Vanderborght, ABIMO Publishers, 2008, pgs 113-114, Machine Dreams, by Amy Van Vecten, machine Dreams Man and Robot, pg 26, issue #10 July 25-Aug.8, 2008.

Performance, Technology and Science by Johannes Barringer published in paperback by PAJ Publications (New York), June 1, 2008

Servo Magazine, March 2008 Issue, by   Heather Dewey-Hagborg, pg 67

Journal and Courier New Purdue exhibits combine art and technology by y TIM BROUK   March 9, 2008 pg 1-2

Greenpeace Magazine, 1.08 Jan Feb 2007 pg 40. Photo and article Hydroponics Herb Garden.

Contemporary Art of Science and Technology by Zhang Yanxiang 2008 in Chinese. ISBN: 978-7-03-020415-8 pgs 166, 506, 507 GLASS Quarterly   Fall 2007 / Issue 108 Can Glass Go Green? By Andrew Page. Pg. 1,

Antennae, Interview with Giovanni Aloi Editor, pgs 7-11, United Kingdom, Issue 2, 2007

Make Magazine: Ken Rinaldo – robotic sculptures, interactive art inspired by natural systemsBy Phillip Torrone March 20th, 2007

Vue Weekly Magazine, “Cybernetic Ballet of Ken Rinaldo’s Autopoiesis” at the works by Mary Christa O’Keefe.

NY Arts Magazine, Interview of Regine Debatty January/February 2007 by Ken Rinaldo

The Truth of Kaliningrad Newspaper, reporter Natalia Gorbachova, Sept 2007

The Columbus Alive, Spider-Man Arachnid robot creator Ken Rinaldo by John Ross, pg 14 2/1/07

Product Design and Development Artistry with Robotics by Peter Cleaveland, 2/2007

Context Providers, Editors are V Vesna, M Lovejoy, and C Paul, published by Minnesota Press. Pg Reproduction of Autopoiesis.

Reliable Plant Magazine, Ohio State professor gives birth to robotic spiders, 1/2007

NY Arts Magazine, by David Halsell, Autopoiesis Mar./Apr. 2006, Vol. 11, No.3/4

ZAART: Russian No 11 Interview in Russian pgs 29-32 2006

Engineering Nature: Art & Consciousness in the Post-biological Era by Roy Ascott – Art – 2006, The idea becomes the machine: AI and A-Life in Early British Computer Arts, pg 229

2006 Annual Report on Research, The Autotelematic Spider Bots, pg 6, 2006

Handbook of the Economics of Art and Culture by Victor A. Gingsburgh, C. David Throsby – Business & Economics – 2006 pg 1162

Parachute Contemporary Art Kenneth Rinaldo and France Cadet Artificial life and the lives of the non-Human, by Carol Gigliotti, 2006, #119, pgs 70-83

ELECTRONICS COMPUTER SCIENCE, Tsuda, S., Zauner, K. P. and Gunji, Y. P. (2006) Robot Control: From Silicon Circuitry to Cells, in Ijspeert, A. J., Masuzawa, T., and Kusumoto, S., Eds. Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology, Second International Workshop, BioADIT 2006, Osaka, Japan, January 26-27, 2006, Proceedings, pp. 21. Springer. Tightening the Loop: From Machine-Nature Communication Towards Symbiosis by Andy Gracie; Brian Lee Yung Rowe pg 1, 2006

Correio de Manha, review of Bioart Exhibition; Pesquisa Avancada Bioarte: exposicão inédita em Portugal a arte das máquinas at the Antonio Prate Gallery 9, 25. 2005

Telepresence & Bio Art: Networking Humans, Rabbits & Robots – by Eduardo Kac – Art – 2005, Page 186

ARTECONTEXTO Nº6. Dossier: HI TECH Dossier: HI -TECH 2005 pg 11

Arte, Arquitectura y Sociedad_Digital (Llibre + CD-ROM) – Page 21 Autor/a: Cirlot Valenzuela, Lourdes / Buxó Rey, Maria Jesús / Casanovas Bohigas, Anna / Estévez de la Escalera, Alberto-Tomás

Arte e mídia: perspectivas da estética digitalby Priscila Arantes – 2005, Page 19

Multimedia. Lincrocio dei linguaggi comunicativi. By Lorenzo Taiuti – 2005 pg 61 Published 2005 by Meltemi Editore srl

History of Modern Art (after 1945), edited by Amelia Jones, published by Blackwell (London) in an Essay by Maria Fernandez on Digital Art with the image of Autopoiesis. Logos Verlag Berlin. ISBN:3-8325-0600-4

Closed Circuit Video Installation by Slavko Kacunko, with DVD 2004, pgs 128, 135, 598, 645, 647-650, 655, 666, 727, 840, 995, 1012, 1128

El Pais, Diario Independiente De La Manana, Artistas de la Cultura digital propoen comnunicar una Nueva Lectura del Mundo, by F.S Madrid pg. 33

Lab La Imagen refleja sus avances in Manizales, Nov. 9, 2004

Empyre List serves Discussion of Artificial Life, invited by Dr. Mitchell Whitelaw, Nov. 20th-Nov. 27th.

Lunes, Manizales Espera lo major d la imagen, Nov. 8, 2004

El Tiempo, De Manana Espertos enun Nuevo encurentro international en manizales. “US” de la imagen, Nov. 8, 2004

Jueves, La Patria, El Periodicio de Casa, Interes Por La Technolgia review of Augmented Fish Reality at Museo de Arte de Caldas Nov. 11, 2004

Open System, Rethinking Art in the 1960s and 1970s, Edited by Donna De Salvo Tate Publishing, Publication May 2005 Autopoiesis illustrated in the context of an article by J.D Conner.

Jalouse Magazine, Russia: coverage of Augmented Fish Reality, Nov. issue

The Finnish Art Review, Trouble at the Interface, or the Identity Crisis of Interactive Art (Helsinki: FRAME Finnish Fund for Art Exchange) by Erkki Huhtamo 2004

Wired News. “Have 25 Years of Progress Helped?” review of Ars Electronica, by Michelle Delio. Sep. 1, 2004

The Australian, Put on the lab coats, bring on the clones by Victoria review of BioDifference show and Augmented Fish Reality by Laurie Oct. 01, 2004

Kunst aus dem Labor. Zum Verhältnis von Kunst und Wissenschaft im Zeitalter der Technoscience“ (Art emerging from the Lab.) by Ingeborg Reichle 6 pages on Autopoiesis and The Flock, published by Springer Verlag Wien, Oct. 2004

Realtime Magazine, “The gallery reconfigured: BioDifference: The Political Ecology “by Tony Reck, review of Biodifference and Augmented Fish Reality, 2004., Electronica – 25 Years Ars Electronica Linz, Austria Sep. 08, 2004 by Victoria Preston

Blogs are us. Ars Electronica_Timeshift says who: pieceoplastic when: 11:23:32 review of Ars Electronica, 9, 2004 Germany, review of CyberArts Exhibition and Augmented Fish Reality by Markus Mittringer 3.9.2004

Art TV Magazine, Kenneth Rinaldo: Augmented Fish Reality – eine Installation mit Fischen und Robotern für geduldige und ungeduldige Besucher, 3 pages, by Jen Hauser

NY Times, The Arts Section, Ars Electronica Asks What Will Be Next, by Ed Ward. Review of the festival and my work. Pg b3 September 8 2004

NY Arts Vol 9. 9/10 International Edition, Interview with Brazilian media arts writer Roberta Alvaranga, pg 84 + web

Tropico Novo Mundo interview with Ken Rinaldo” e a computação emocional O ciberartista defende interação com as máquinas que não sejam puramente lógicas By Roberta Alvarenga, Mar. 24, 2004

Itau electronic magazine Cibercultura videoarte em transe article discussed my work by Jorge La Ferla, Mar. 20, 2004

Artweek, review of Postflesh at Sacramento State University by David Roth, Apr. 2003.

The Sacramento Bee, Merging with Machines: a review of Postflesh at Sacramento State University by Victoria Dalkey, Feb. 2003.

Eyewitness Guide Robot, by Roger Bridgman, Publisher: Dorling Kindersley, International multi-language release, (in print 2004)

Read Me; New Media Net Culture, Article robotic art by Ilaria Mignatti, Apr. 3, 2003.

La Voix Du Nord, On vous en a parle: ca y est, ils arrivent, Review of Exit Festival by Aurore Dugue, Mar. 20th 2003.

Le Monde: Les Robots, ou Lhistoire de lart revue par les puces, review of Exit Festival, by Harry Bellet, Mar. 2003.

The Charleston Daily: Robots art Focus of Talk by DB Shawver, Mar. 27th 2003.

, Vol. 35 Number 5 (2002) Ten Dreams of Technology by Steve Dietz, pp. 509-513

Artlink, Vol. 22 No. 4, new museums | new art. Pp. 36-37, by Stephen Jones 2002.

Artlink, Vol. 22 No. 4, new museums | new art. Breathing/diving/ dreaming/dancing BEAP in Perth (you can’t buy these emotions off the Hollywood shelf) by Stephen Jones Pp. 36-37, illus.

RealTime, FutureScreen 02: Reviews of the Biennial of Electronic Arts Perth Australia by Melinda Rackman and Ian Haig.

Mix Magazine 28.2 Canada: Review of Sentient Circuitry pg. 13, Jul. 4, 2002.

Calgary Herald, Critics Pick, Laviolette, Mary Beth, Jun. 27, 2002.

Calgary News and Entertainment: Review of Sentient Circuitry by Jennifer McVeigh, Jul. 4, 2002.

Horizon 2: Mimic: Imitators of Life: robots, automata, and cyborgs directed by Danel Canty, Sep. 2002.

Fast Forward Magazine, robots invade Banff, Machines, and Humans interact in Sentient Circuitry, Jul. 04, 2002.

Computer Design Japan Graphic design Association by Hide Nakaya 17/09/2002.

The Catalog of the Future by Que books with an article The future of Art by Polly Harold.

Arts in the Net Italy, Entrevista a Kenneth Rinaldo (us), “Autopoiesis“ interview by Alba Colombo, Berlin.

Contemporary, Berlin, review of Autopoiesis as part Transmediale Berlin, pg. 102, 3 – 2002.

Convergence; The Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, Review of Autopoiesis at Ars Electronica 2001 by Michael Punt.

Neural Magazine, review of Autopoiesis as part Transmediale Berlin, Feb. 2002. Taz Berlin 7.2.2002, review of Transmediale Berlin, by Sebastian Handke.

Teleopolis Germany, review of Autopoiesis as part Transmediale Berlin by Vali Djordjevic, Feb. 2002.

Stern Germany, review of Autopoiesis as part Transmediale Berlin, Feb. 2002.

Berliner Morganpost, review of Autopoiesis as part Transmediale Berlin, Feb. 2002.

Spiegel Germany, review of Autopoiesis as part Transmediale Berlin, Feb 2002.

The Exploratorium Quarterly, Autopoiesis as part of an article on Robotics, Jan 2002.

Dayton Daily News review of Spider Haus and Autopoiesis by Terry Morris, Dec 2001.

Art Press 273, Paris, review of Autopoiesis at Ars Electronica by Annick Bureaud, 2001

Creative Evolutionary Systems – by Peter J. Bentley, David W. Corne – 2001 – Page 235 Published by Morgan KaufmannTema Celeste contemporary

Art, Italy, Review of Autopoiesis at Ars Electronica by Daniele Perra, 2001.

The Columbus Dispatch, Review of Standby Deliver by Chris Yates, Nov. 19, 2001.

Creative Evolutionary Systems, by Peter Bentley & David W. Corne, 2001, pg 3

Culture Works, The Living Arts, Spider Haus Firefly Gallery, Fall, 2001.

Infinite Matrix review of my website by Bruce Sterling BLOG, 2001.

YLEM Newsletter Sep./Oct. 2001.

New York Arts Magazine Calling on the Art of the Future by Ck Kuebl Review of Ars Electronica Cyberarts Exhibit, 2001.

New York Arts Magazine Review of Ars Electronica Cyberarts by Ken Rinaldo, 2001.

Dominca, Autopoieis at Ars Electronica, Domenica, Creatività sconfinata by di Chiara Somajni, 2001.

NZZ Online, review of Ars Electronica Cyberarts by Alex Bänninger, 2001.

Telepolis, Kunst + Kommerz = Konfusion? Review of Ars Electronica Cyberarts 2001.

Object Space and Meaning by Steve Leucking, Prentice Hall, 2001.

ARTBYTE Magazine, NY Review and interview about digital art and digital art programs, 2001.

Nouvel Objet VI, Seoul, Korea. Mixing Techno with Eco by Amy Youngs who discusses Mediated Encounters robot, Jun. 2001.

onCampus Columbus, Ohio, Article about Ohio State, Art and Technology Program, by Susan Wittstock, Jun. 7, 2001.

Art News review of Autopoiesis at Arco Arts Festival, 2001.

Cyberpa@is, review of Avida 3.0 by Roberto Bosco an d Sefano Caladana, Feb. 2001.

Ubicarte, Review of ARCO Arts Festival Madrid by Ana Marta de Catalina, Feb. 2001.

Journal of Visual Art Practice, Article on art/technology collaborations by George Whale, 2001.

New Art Examiner, Educating for Interaction, By Dan Collins, Feb. 2001.

Subterranean Notes arts Magazine, report on Avida 3.0 prize in Madrid Spain, Friday, Nov. 24, 2000.

Fundacion Telefonica El Boletin Arte Expociones, Nov. 2000.

Fundacion Telefonica Arte y Technologia, Exposiciones temporales, Oct. 2000.

Performance Artists Talking in the Eighties by Linda Montano (Editor), 2000, pg 473

Noema Arts, Technologie e Societa, report on Avida 3.0 prize in Madrid Spain Terra, 2000.

La Gaceta Madrid, Telfonica pemia tres ecultureas interactivas, Nov. 2000.

Book for the electronic arts by Arjen Mulder and Maaike Post, Holland, 2000.

Arte Articulo, report on Avida 3.0 prize in Madrid Spain, by YA Tiene Ganader, Oct. 2000.

Diario El Pais, Columbia, El Effecto Shelly, by Carlos Jimenez, Oct. 2000.

El Punto De Las Artes, Ken Rinaldo gano el premio Vida 3.0 de la fundacion telefonica Oct. 2000

El Mundo, Diario De Navagante, 2.0. 2000.

El Arte Fuera de Control. Discussion of Avida 3.0, Oct. 20

Leonardo, Volume 33, Number 4 pg. 260, Standby Deliver for the In::formation Exhibition. Leonardo Gallery, 2000.

RealTime, FutureScreen 00: Getting Alife; Autopoiesis research Mitchel Whitelaw talks with Keith Gallasch Oct. 2000.

CIRCA 90 Art + Technology Supplement by Ken Rinaldo, Winter 1999.

ARTNET, review of Flickering Signifiers by Victor Cassidy, 1999.

The Chicago Reader. Review of Flickering Signifiers, Oct. 1999.

New York Arts Magazine. Special report on artificial life art by Ken Rinaldo, Dec. 1998.

Virtualities: Television, Media Art, and Cyberculture, by Margaret Morse pg. 193, 1998.

Art Journal, Vol. 56, N. 3, Digital Reflections: The Dialogue of Art and Technology, Special Issue on Electronic Art, Johanna Drucker, (ed.), CAA, NY, 1997.

Chicago Reader, Review of Mediated Encounters, at the Chicago Cultural Center, Oct. 10, 1997.

Chicago Tribune, Coverage of Mediated Encounters, ISEA show; Sep. 23 1997.

Leonardo Electronic Almanac, Review of Mediated Encounters in F(X) at Chicago Cultural Center Sep. 1997.

Chicago Tribune, International Society of Electronic Arts, Review, Sep. 22, 1997.

Chicago Sun-Times, International Society of Electronic Arts, Sep. 23, 1997.

San Jose Mercury News, ACM SIGGRAPH Review, Sunday, Mar. 2 1997.

Leonardo, Digital Almanac, Nov. 1996.

San Francisco Bay Guardian, Critics Choice for Wavicle Illuminatta, Sep. 1996.

Leonardo, Digital Reviews, Jun. 19, 1995. MIT Press Cambridge.

Metro, Coverage of Meter Devils Heart, Jan. 18, 1995.

San Francisco Bay Guardian, “Critics Choice”, 1995

Fine Art Forum Volume 9, Number 1 Jan. 15, 1995.

Artweek, November 17th, review of The Flock as part of Interactive Exhibit, by Randall Davis, pg. 21, 1994.

Artificial Intelligence Expert, Jan. 1994.

Artweek, Interview and Review, Jan. 1994.

Leonardo, Volume 27 #21, 1994.

Wired, Magazine, Plucky Performance by Mark Frauenfelder on the Flock, pg. 30, Jun. 1994.

Electronic Entertainment, The Art of Multimedia by Timothy OBrien, coverage of the flock, pg. 64-66, May 1994.

Artificial Life, Japan, a collection of writings on A-LIFE, 1994.

Intercommunication #7, Japan, A Critical Anthology of Interactive Artists, 1994.

ID; International Design Magazine, Report from Siggraph, pg. 81, Nov.1993.

Superdesigning #5 Japan, 1993.

SOMA magazine, Metaphysical or Virtual Reality? By Patricia Zimmerman, 22-23, 84 Spring 1992.


Media Screenings

TV & Radio

Channel 3 + 5 Mexico City, Coverage of 3-Story Robots, 2015

Worms and robots evoke imagination. Professor whose ideas inspired Microsoft, ready to help the Ural pipe makers by News Service, URA Russia 2013

Robots: Robot Art Interviewer David St-Onge 2011

Freshmilk TV, interview by Romina. Wahlmann, 2010

Network Europe Extra Feb 7, 2010, interview by Cinnamon Nippard 2010

WLFI TV CBS affiliate. Channel 18 interviewed by Anchor; assistant news director Jeff Smith at Purdue University exhibition March 3, 2008

Breakfast Television, Edmonton Alberta Canada interviewed by Bridgette Ryan, coverage of Autopoiesis June 22nd, 2007

CTV Television Inc. Interview about Autopoiesis at Air Museum by Sienna Collins, June 24th, 2007

CBC Radio Canada Interview about Autopoiesis by Peter Brown June 23rd, 2007

Russia TV and Radio “kaskad” interview by Alena Emelianova at the World Ocean Museum, Sept 2007

Russia Channel 2, Regional TV Rossiya, interview by Journalist Olga Kovaleva at the World Ocean Museum, Sept 2007

WBNS-10TV Columbus Ohio, Angela Ans Sunday morning show interview with Paul Bordner, Oct 22nd, 2006

Channel 1 NRK Norway Frokost-TV coverage of the Autopoiesis installation at the TEKS Trondheim Matchmaking Arts Festival as reporting by Eva Lavkoy Oct 14, 2006

BBC Radio 4/Front Row interview, Interview as part of “Autotelematic Spider Bots” for AV Festival. Mar. 2006.

BBC TV, Interview as part of “Autotelematic Spider Bots” for AV Festival. Mar. 2006.

Channel 3 Lisbon TV coverage of Bioart Exhibition, Lisbon Portugal.

Antenna Radio Channel 1 Lisbon Portugal coverage of Bioart Exhibition.

Digital Stadium, a weekly television program about digital art that is aired on NHK (Japanese public television.) interview by Ann Yamamoto at Ars Electronica Austria, Sept. 2004.

Caldecott Broadcast Center Singapore 99.5 FM, a 1/2 hour radio interview with Masraihan Sulaiman on my work and philosophy, 2002.

Terra GUM TV interview about Autopoiesis as part of Transmediale 02 Berlin.

Sat 1TV & Radio Germany, interview about Autopoiesis as part of Transmediale 02 Berlin.

National Public Radio, coverage of Autopoiesis as part of Intersculpt Biennale, Dayton Ohio, 2002.

Japan Broadcasting Corporation, Channel 1, interview about Autopoiesis as part of Ars Electronica, 2001.

Telivixija Slovenia TV and Radio interview about Autopoiesis as part of Ars Electronica.

Treffpunkt, Kultur, Channel 2, Austria, 2001.

CyberBang TV, Program on Digital Art, Italy, 2001.

ORF, Austrian Broadcasting Corporation footage of Autopoiesis, 2001.

Caiga Quien TV, Caiga Spain, coverage of ARCO Spain Installation, 2001.

Canal Plus TV, coverage of ARCO Spain Installation, 2001.

Menudo Magazine TV. Channel 3 Italian TV, 2001.

CNN Europe coverage of ARCO Spain Installation, 2001.

TV2 Spain; La Noticias Cadina TVE Spain, 2001.

VIA Digital coverage of ARCO Spain Installation, 2001.

Channel 3 Finland TV, Feb. 2000.

Channel 1 Sweden TV Reviews of Autopoiesis at the Kiasma Museum in Finland, Feb. 2000.

National Public Radio Soundings review of Intersculpt Biennale and Autopoiesis.

Cable Special on Chicago Cultural Center Coverage of F (X) Show.

The Know Zone, Special On Robotics; a syndicated science show on The Discovery Channel, (USA), 1995.

C.Net, KRON TV, a technology show, which covered Delicate Balance the fish sculpture, (USA), 1995.

C.Net, KRON TV, coverage of the CYBERSQUEEKS, 1994.

Really Robots a film by Margarita Boehm and Ayato Mori (USA), 1994,

The Future, CBC Broadcasting, (Canada) a science and technology show which did a special program on The Flock 1994.

, Interview of Noboru Tsubaki, When Insects meet Michael Jackson Questions By Ken Rinaldo, pgs 68-74, United Kingdom, Issue 11, 2009

Antennae, Mechanical Animals, ARTIFICIAL LIFE AND THE LIVES OF THE NON-HUMAN Carol Gigliotti talk about animals, A-life, and the work of Ken Rinaldo and France Cadet. Text by Carol Gigliotti pgs 17-23, United Kingdom,   Issue 9, Spring, 2009 and Interview with Ken Rinaldo by Giovanni Aloi, pgs 32-41